Category Archives: Lifestyle HABITs & ADDICTION

Avoiding Phthalates (Bisphenols; BPA)

BPA (Bisphenol-A)  is USED to make hard, clear, shatter-resistant plastic; POLYCARBONATE plastic   (egs. Containers, Bottles, Food & Beverage Can Linings). PHTHALATES assist in making flexible and soft plastics   (egs. Toys, Teethers, Baby Shampoo, Soap, Lotion) BPA can leach into foods and beverages

Avoiding Phthalates (Bisphenols; BPA)

BPA (Bisphenol-A)  is USED to make hard, clear, shatter-resistant plastic; POLYCARBONATE plastic   (egs. Containers, Bottles, Food & Beverage Can Linings). PHTHALATES assist in making flexible and soft plastics   (egs. Toys, Teethers, Baby Shampoo, Soap, Lotion) BPA can leach into foods and beverages

Warnings: Homemade Jerky

“E. coli O157:H7 is especially dangerous because of the severe consequences of infection, particularly for people who are young, elderly or immuno-compromised. The pathogen has a very low infectious dose, thus raising concerns for food products consumed raw or with

Warnings: Homemade Jerky

“E. coli O157:H7 is especially dangerous because of the severe consequences of infection, particularly for people who are young, elderly or immuno-compromised. The pathogen has a very low infectious dose, thus raising concerns for food products consumed raw or with

Intestinal Worms may not be too bad after all??

Helminths/Parasitic Worms could be KEY to solving Autoimmune Diseases such as Type 1 diabetes Rheumatoid Arthritis Crohn’s Disease Lupus   CLICK to Read FULL ARTICLE:     Turning to Parasites as Potential Disease Fighters.   FURTHER READING:

Intestinal Worms may not be too bad after all??

Helminths/Parasitic Worms could be KEY to solving Autoimmune Diseases such as Type 1 diabetes Rheumatoid Arthritis Crohn’s Disease Lupus   CLICK to Read FULL ARTICLE:     Turning to Parasites as Potential Disease Fighters.   FURTHER READING:

Cheap isn’t always good -Risks in drinking Budget Tea

“Excess fluoride in the diet can lead to detrimental health effects such as fluorosis of the teeth and skeletal fluorosis and consuming economy branded tea will lead to exposure.” “Fluoride concentration significantly varies depending upon the type of tea.” “Tea consumption alone

Cheap isn’t always good -Risks in drinking Budget Tea

“Excess fluoride in the diet can lead to detrimental health effects such as fluorosis of the teeth and skeletal fluorosis and consuming economy branded tea will lead to exposure.” “Fluoride concentration significantly varies depending upon the type of tea.” “Tea consumption alone

Weight determined by Gut Microbes & Immune System?

Vaccines and antibiotics may someday join caloric restriction or bariatric surgery as a way to regulate weight gain, according to a new study focused on the interactions between diet, the bacteria that live in the bowel, and the immune system.

Weight determined by Gut Microbes & Immune System?

Vaccines and antibiotics may someday join caloric restriction or bariatric surgery as a way to regulate weight gain, according to a new study focused on the interactions between diet, the bacteria that live in the bowel, and the immune system.

Aortic Valve Stenosis – Non-invasive Treatment?

CLICK to read: Alternative Treatment for Aortic Valve Stenosis SOURCE: Montreal Heart Institute (2013, July 18). New approach to treat the most common heart valve disease in Western countries. FURTHER READING: J Trapeaux, D Busseuil, YF Shi, S Nobari, D Shustik,

Aortic Valve Stenosis – Non-invasive Treatment?

CLICK to read: Alternative Treatment for Aortic Valve Stenosis SOURCE: Montreal Heart Institute (2013, July 18). New approach to treat the most common heart valve disease in Western countries. FURTHER READING: J Trapeaux, D Busseuil, YF Shi, S Nobari, D Shustik,

Is your Diet, Carbonated Drink, Alcohol or even Fruit Juice KILLING you?

Aspartame (Aspartic Acid + Phenylalanine) is an ingredient which may be killing you slowly… Do you experience: -Allergies (Rashes), -Anxiety/Panic attacks, -Breathing difficulties (Asthma, Chest tightness), -Chills, -Emotional/Behavioural/Psychological instability (Irritability, Depression, Mood Swings, Rage episodes), -Fatigue, -Gastrointestinal Disorders (Abdominal pain) -Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness, Vertigo, -Heart

Is your Diet, Carbonated Drink, Alcohol or even Fruit Juice KILLING you?

Aspartame (Aspartic Acid + Phenylalanine) is an ingredient which may be killing you slowly… Do you experience: -Allergies (Rashes), -Anxiety/Panic attacks, -Breathing difficulties (Asthma, Chest tightness), -Chills, -Emotional/Behavioural/Psychological instability (Irritability, Depression, Mood Swings, Rage episodes), -Fatigue, -Gastrointestinal Disorders (Abdominal pain) -Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness, Vertigo, -Heart