Posts Tagged: Disorder

Mental Disorder? – Blame it on DAD!

“Paternal-stress exposure may be linked to such NEUROPSYCHIATRIC diseases” Sperm doesn’t appear to forget anything.  Stress felt by dad—whether as a preadolescent or adult—leaves a lasting impression on his sperm that gives sons and daughters a blunted reaction to stress,

Mental Disorder? – Blame it on DAD!

“Paternal-stress exposure may be linked to such NEUROPSYCHIATRIC diseases” Sperm doesn’t appear to forget anything.  Stress felt by dad—whether as a preadolescent or adult—leaves a lasting impression on his sperm that gives sons and daughters a blunted reaction to stress,

Is your Diet, Carbonated Drink, Alcohol or even Fruit Juice KILLING you?

Aspartame (Aspartic Acid + Phenylalanine) is an ingredient which may be killing you slowly… Do you experience: -Allergies (Rashes), -Anxiety/Panic attacks, -Breathing difficulties (Asthma, Chest tightness), -Chills, -Emotional/Behavioural/Psychological instability (Irritability, Depression, Mood Swings, Rage episodes), -Fatigue, -Gastrointestinal Disorders (Abdominal pain) -Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness, Vertigo, -Heart

Is your Diet, Carbonated Drink, Alcohol or even Fruit Juice KILLING you?

Aspartame (Aspartic Acid + Phenylalanine) is an ingredient which may be killing you slowly… Do you experience: -Allergies (Rashes), -Anxiety/Panic attacks, -Breathing difficulties (Asthma, Chest tightness), -Chills, -Emotional/Behavioural/Psychological instability (Irritability, Depression, Mood Swings, Rage episodes), -Fatigue, -Gastrointestinal Disorders (Abdominal pain) -Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness, Vertigo, -Heart

Scientific Breakthrough about MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – Watch CTV News VIDEO!

“For now, MS Societies in Canada and the U.S. have reacted cautiously to the research,, saying there is “insufficient evidence to suggest this phenomenon is the cause of MS” and discouraging patients from getting tested or seeking treatment.” But the

Scientific Breakthrough about MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – Watch CTV News VIDEO!

“For now, MS Societies in Canada and the U.S. have reacted cautiously to the research,, saying there is “insufficient evidence to suggest this phenomenon is the cause of MS” and discouraging patients from getting tested or seeking treatment.” But the

Faulty circuits leading to Brain Disorders from Autism to Mental Retardation?

“Axon does not position itself properly — it may go right instead of left” via News | Weill Cornell Medical College | Cornell University.

Faulty circuits leading to Brain Disorders from Autism to Mental Retardation?

“Axon does not position itself properly — it may go right instead of left” via News | Weill Cornell Medical College | Cornell University.